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From the beginning of training, residents participate in the process of image acquisition/protocoling and interpretation. Graduated responsibility is given as residents advance into their second year and prepare to take call duties. Included in this is a dedicated contrast reaction training session, using the Mount Sinai simulation lab to create scenarios ranging from mild to severe reactions and teaching appropriate responses.


Didactics and Conferences


Our didactics schedule follows a robust curriculum, with a 2 year repeating series of lectures provided by our faculty covering all the necessary areas of education in radiology. These lectures are given on a daily basis from 12:30-1:30PM, during which time residents are excused from clinical duties for the duration of the session. 

In addition to the attending didactic sessions, morning resident presentation or case conferences are also held multiple times during the week from 07:45-08:30AM. These range from resident prepared didactic lectures on topics, to advanced case conferences demonstrating important on-call cases or teaching points for advanced imaging modalities. 

A portion of the morning sessions are also devoted to quality improvement projects. Residents are strongly encouraged to engage in multiple quality improvement projects starting from the beginning of their training, and receive guidance from attendings and during one of the many interdisciplinary committee meetings that residents attend to help shape patient care and hospital policy. 

From the beginning of first year, residents will also begin attending the numerous multidisciplinary conferences that are held depending on the rotation to which the resident is assigned. Residents will review the cases with their attending, and present the findings of the case during the conference to help guide patient management. 

Our residents are provided structured comprehensive training in all facets of diagnostic radiology needed for successful practice, above and beyond the ACGME suggested requirements. Residents will rotate in 1-4 week blocks and be assigned to one of the following subspecialty areas of radiology:


  • Thoracic Imaging

  • Body Imaging

  • Neuroradiology

  • Nuclear Medicine

  • Musculoskeletal Imaging

  • Ultrasound

  • Fluoroscopy

  • Breast Imaging

  • Interventional radiology

  • Pediatric Imaging (with a dedicated 10 week rotation block at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, described below)

Our conferences include (but are not limited to):

  • Hematology & Oncology Tumor Conference

  • Gastrointestinal Surgical Oncology Conference

  • Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Conference

  • Thoracic Oncology Conference

  • Breast Radiology-Pathology Correlation Conference

  • Breast Surgical Oncology Conference

  • Morbidity and Mortality Conference

  • Urology Case Conference

We have also recently enrolled in a comprehensive healthcare economics milestones course hosted by the Radiology Leadership Institute. More information is available at their website, here.

Years 1-3


During years 1 through 3, residents will rotate through the core rotations as outlined above and on the righthand figure. Call responsibilities are graduated based on year, as detailed below.


Core Exam preparation

Our program is highly supportive of residents as they prepare for the ABR Core Exam during their 3rd year. Numerous board exam relevant didactic lectures and case conferences are provided by visiting professors and staff attending radiologists leading up to the exam. Call responsibilities are also completed in the first half of the year in order to maximize time for exam preparation.


Pediatric Radiology 
Mount Sinai Medical Center is affiliated with Nicklaus Children's Hospital (formerly known as Miami Children's Hospital) where residents will rotate in a 
10 week block. Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a tertiary referral center for much of South Florida which provides for broad pathology and extensive learning opportunities.


American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (AIRP)
During the 2nd or 3rd year, residents will attend the 
month long AIRP course in Silver Spring, MD/Washington DC. The department covers tuition and housing for the duration of the course.


Huda Physics Courses
Residents attend a radiologic physics courses hosted by Walter Huda. This is a
4 day comprehensive board exam preparation course in the R3 year. Travel and lodging expenses will be covered by the department for this trip.


Year 4 and Mini-Fellowships


Fourth year residents can partake in elective subspecialty training organized into mini-fellowships. This allows the opportunity for the resident to pursue more advanced training in their area of interest and function as a clinical fellow while on service. 


Residents will also have the option to pursue subspecialty specific certification courses such as the Certification Board of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (CBCCT).


In addition to mini-fellowships, residents can declare dedicated subspecialty training in nuclear medicine (through the ABR or ABNM) or interventional radiology (Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology - ESIR), where they can spend the majority of the fourth year in those fields to obtain partial (IR) or full (NM) fellowship level certification and training.


Call Responsibilities


First year residents will partake in a short call system which is scheduled every 5 weeks on a rotating basis. The junior resident will be paired with a senior resident during their shifts and will stay after their normal scheduled day rotation from 5:00-7:30PM on weekdays. That weekend, the junior resident will read plain films from 8:00AM-12:00PM. Pre-dictated reads are signed off by an attending or senior resident during the shift with appropriate feedback given in real time to maximize the educational experience. 


Prior to starting second year call duties, residents will participate in the Simulation in Emergent and Critical Care Imaging Program developed by the University of Florida to assess call readiness. 


Beginning their 2nd year, residents will begin independent call which involves a cross coverage system with a late afternoon/evening shift from 3:00-10:00PM and another resident covering the overnight shift from 7:30PM-7:30AM. There is overlap between call resident shifts to ensure double coverage during peak hours in the evening. In-house and on-call attending coverage is available at all times.


Scholarly activities and research are encouraged. Our residents regularly submit abstracts to journals for publication and conferences nationwide. Faculty are fully supportive of these efforts and are readily available for guidance.

If an abstract is accepted, then the department allows time off to attend the meeting/conference with up to a $1500 annual fund per resident for travel and lodging.

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